Gammon Physical Fitness Center
850 Radio Street
Fort Knox, Kentucky
CrossFit is constantly varied, functional movements, executed at (relative) high intensity.

Monday, 18 October 2010

WOD (On Ramp Day #4)

3 Rounds for time:

Run 400 meters
90' Lunge Walk
20 Jumping Pull Ups

WOD (Regular Class)

As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:

6 Pull Ups
8 Air Squats
10 Push Ups
12 Sit Ups


  1. WOD Results(On Ramp Class)
    Kari 17:31
    Lindsay 18:55
    Ashley 17:45
    Stacy 17:50
    Karen 22:38

    Good Job girls on one of the longer On-Ramp workouts. Don't let up on the intensity!

  2. WOD Results (Regular Class)

    Matt 10 Rounds
    Shannon 8 Rounds + 6 Pull Ups, 8 A/S, 8 Push Ups
    Lacey 6 Rounds + 6 Pull Ups, 8 A/S, 10 Push Ups
    Chris 12 Rounds
    Bryan 8 Rounds + 6 Pull Ups, 8 A/S, 10 Push Ups
    Jacob 7 Rounds + 6 Pull Ups, 8 A/S, 10 Push Ups
